Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beach Blanket Bedlam CD cover

Droppin' da Curl

A closer look at the inside of the VBB CD...

Line Art

Yep, that's real ink and brush yer lookin' at kiddies!

CD Design

This was done for Baron Marcus and the Vampire Beach Babes album "Beach Blanket Bedlam" so named by The Devil Man. It was a lot of fun to go all crazy-tiki on this project - so much so that I had to buy a Luchador mask to contain all the glee.


Same Plane...yet...different...

Photo Retouch

Hours of fun!

Box Package

I learned to draw lightning by hand in photoshop with this one...

Blister Packages

These where fun to work on given the "extreme" nature of the subjet matter.

Sell Sheet

This was a sell sheet and poster done for Spin Master Ltd. I still have some beanz kicking about some where...



Tri Fold